Hub capabilities API - GET an extension 2.0
Gets the details about an extension 2.0.
The request produces an application/json
GET | SaaS | https://{your-environment-id}{extensionName} |
Environment ActiveGateCluster ActiveGate | https://{your-activegate-domain}:9999/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/hub/extensions2/{extensionName} |
To execute this request, you need an access token with
To learn how to obtain and use it, see Tokens and authentication.
Fully qualified name of the extension
Response codes
Response body objects
The ItemDetails
Public metadata for an item.
Url for the author's logo.
Name of the author of the item.
Checks if the item is compatible with the cluster version.
The maximum supported cluster version for this item.
The minimum cluster version required to use this item.
Description of the item.
An absolute link to a documentation page explaining the item.
Unique Id of the item.
The logo of the item. Can be a URL or Base64 encoded. Intended for html tags.
An absolute link to a marketing page promoting how the item can be used with dynatrace.
Name of the item.
The reason why the item is not compatible with the cluster version.
Grouping of items with keywords.
Represents the type of item. It can be TECHNOLOGY, EXTENSION1 or EXTENSION2.
The DescriptionBlock
Represents a section of data describing the given capability.
Source of the description block (in case of markdown).
Optional identifier of special description blocks.
Title of the description block.
Type of the data, either markdown or gallery.
The Image
Information about the image details of a capability.
Alternate text for the image.
Url of the image.
Title of the image.
The Extension1Details
Additional details of the extension version 1.
The Extension1Release
Extension version 1 release details.
SHA-256 hash of the extension version 1.
The title of the extension version 1.
The associated release notes.
The version number of the extension version 1 release.
The Extension2Details
Additional details of the extension.
Whether this extension is available in the central hub catalog.
Fully qualified name of the extension.
Recommended version of this extension to use. This is the latest compatible published release.
The ExtensionRelease
Extensions releases information
Represents whether this version is active version
Sha256 hash for the distributed extension.
Configured feature sets for an installed release
Available data sources for the given release
Represents whether the release is distributed
Feature sets contained in the given release
Minimum cluster version for the release
Represents whether extension is already registered
Release notes for the extension.
Represents whether the extension is unpublished.
The description why the extension was unpublished.
The severity of unpublished extension. 5 indicates an error state
Version number of the extension.
The AssetInfo
Assets types and its count
The FeatureSetDetails
Additional information about a Feature Set
The MetricDto
Metric gathered by an extension
Metric key
The MetricMetadataDto
Metric metadata
A short description of the metric
The name of the metric in the user interface
The unit of the metric
The RelatedItem
Related items.
External link (marketing/documentation) that can provide with additional information.
Indicates whether there is a page within the product to activate this item.
The logo of the item. Can be a URL or Base64 encoded. Intended for html tags
Represents the type of item. It can be TECHNOLOGY, EXTENSION1 or EXTENSION2.
The TechnologyDetails
Additional details of the technology.
Represents the installation/public navigation link for the technology.
Response body JSON model
{"authorLogo": "string","authorName": "string","clusterCompatible": true,"clusterMaxVersion": 1,"clusterMinVersion": 1,"description": "string","descriptionBlocks": [{"images": [{"alt": "string","src": "string","title": "string"}],"source": "string","sourceId": "string","title": "string","type": "GALLERY"}],"documentationLink": "string","extension1Details": {"releases": [{"artifactSha256": "string","artifactTitle": "string","releaseNotes": "string","version": "string"}]},"extension2Details": {"distributed": true,"extensionName": "string","recommendedCatalogVersion": "string","releases": [{"active": true,"artifactSha256": "string","assetsInfo": [{"assetType": "string","count": 1}],"configuredFeatureSets": ["string"],"dataSources": ["string"],"distributed": true,"featureSets": {},"minClusterVersion": 1,"registered": true,"releaseNotes": "string","unpublished": true,"unpublishedDescription": "string","unpublishedSeverity": 1,"version": "string"}]},"itemId": "string","logo": "string","marketingLink": "string","name": "string","notCompatibleReason": "string","relatedItems": [{"description": "string","externalLink": "string","hasClusterLink": true,"iconUrl": "string","id": "string","name": "string","type": "EXTENSION1"}],"tags": ["string"],"technologyDetails": {"activationLink": "string"},"type": "EXTENSION1"}