Events API v2 - GET all event types
Lists all types of events that might be raised in your environment.
The request produces an application/json
GET | SaaS | https://{your-environment-id} |
Environment ActiveGateCluster ActiveGate | https://{your-activegate-domain}:9999/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/eventTypes |
To execute this request, you need an access token with
To learn how to obtain and use it, see Tokens and authentication.
Parameter | Type | Description | In | Required |
nextPageKey | string | The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response. The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter. When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters. | query | optional |
pageSize | integer | The amount of event types in a single response payload. The maximal allowed page size is 500. If not set, 100 is used. | query | optional |
Response codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | Event | Success |
4XX | Error | Client side error. |
5XX | Error | Server side error. |
Response body objects
The EventTypeList
A list of event types.
Element | Type | Description |
eventTypeInfos | Event | A list of event types. |
nextPageKey | string | The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result. |
pageSize | integer | The number of entries per page. |
totalCount | integer | The total number of entries in the result. |
The EventType
Configuration of an event type.
Element | Type | Description |
description | string | A short description of the event type. |
displayName | string | The display name of the event type. |
severityLevel | string | The severity level associated with the event type.
type | string | The event type. |
Response body JSON model
{"eventTypeInfos": [{"description": "string","displayName": "High CPU","severityLevel": "PERFORMANCE","type": "OSI_HIGH_CPU"}],"nextPageKey": "AQAAABQBAAAABQ==","pageSize": 1,"totalCount": 1}
In this example, the request lists all event types that can be created in the mySampleEnv environment. The result is truncated to three entries
The API token is passed in the Authorization header.
curl --request GET \--url '' \--header 'Authorization: Api-Token dt0c01.abc123.abcdefjhij1234567890'
Request URL
Response body
{"totalCount": 144,"pageSize": 3,"nextPageKey": "AQAAAGQBAAAAZA==","eventTypeInfos": [{"type": "APPLICATION_UNEXPECTED_LOW_LOAD","displayName": "Application low traffic","severityLevel": "AVAILABILITY","description": "Unexpected low traffic"},{"type": "MOBILE_APP_CRASH_RATE_INCREASED","displayName": "Mobile app crash rate increase","severityLevel": "ERROR"},{"type": "APPLICATION_SLOWDOWN","displayName": "Application slowdown","severityLevel": "PERFORMANCE","description": "User action duration degradation"}]}
Response code