Audit logs API - GET audit log
Fetches the audit log of your Dynatrace environment.
The full list can be lengthy, so you can narrow it down by specifying filter parameters, like tags. See the Parameters section for more details.
You can limit the output by using the pagination:
- Specify the number of results per page in the pageSize query parameter.
- Then use the cursor from the nextPageKey field of the previous response in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages.
GET | SaaS | https://{your-environment-id} |
Environment ActiveGateCluster ActiveGate | https://{your-activegate-domain}:9999/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/auditlogs |
To execute this request, you need an access token with
To learn how to obtain and use it, see Tokens and authentication.
Parameter | Type | Description | In | Required |
nextPageKey | string | The cursor for the next page of results. You can find it in the nextPageKey field of the previous response. The first page is always returned if you don't specify the nextPageKey query parameter. When the nextPageKey is set to obtain subsequent pages, you must omit all other query parameters. | query | optional |
pageSize | integer | The amount of log entries in a single response payload. The maximal allowed page size is 5000. If not set, 1000 is used. | query | optional |
filter | string | Filters the audit log. You can use the following criteria:
For each criterion, you can specify multiple alternatives with comma-separated values. In this case, the OR logic applies. For example, You can specify multiple comma-separated criteria, such as Specify the value of a criterion as a quoted string. The following special characters must be escaped with a tilde (
| query | optional |
from | string | The start of the requested timeframe. You can use one of the following formats:
If not set, the relative timeframe of two weeks is used ( | query | optional |
to | string | The end of the requested timeframe. You can use one of the following formats:
If not set, the current timestamp is used. | query | optional |
sort | string | The sorting of audit log entries:
If not set, the newest first sorting is applied. | query | optional |
Response codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | Audit | Success |
4XX | Error | Client side error. |
5XX | Error | Server side error. |
Response body objects
The AuditLog
The audit log of your environment.
Element | Type | Description |
auditLogs | Audit | A list of audit log entries ordered by the creation timestamp. |
nextPageKey | string | The cursor for the next page of results. Has the value of Use it in the nextPageKey query parameter to obtain subsequent pages of the result. |
pageSize | integer | The number of entries per page. |
totalCount | integer | The total number of entries in the result. |
The AuditLogEntry
An entry of the audit log.
Element | Type | Description |
category | string | The category of the recorded operation.
dt.settings.key | string | The key of the affected object of a setting for entries of category |
dt.settings.object_id | string | The ID of the affected object of a setting for entries of category |
dt.settings.object_summary | string | The value summary for entries of category |
dt.settings.schema_id | string | The schema ID or config ID for entries of category |
dt.settings.scope_id | string | The persistence scope for entries of category |
dt.settings.scope_name | string | The display name of the scope for entries of category |
entityId | string | The ID of an entity from the category. For example, it can be config ID for the |
environmentId | string | The ID of the Dynatrace environment where the recorded operation occurred. |
eventType | string | The type of the recorded operation.
logId | string | The ID of the log entry. |
message | string | The logged message. |
patch | string | The patch of the recorded operation as the JSON representation. The format is an enhanced RFC 6902. The patch also carries the previous value in the oldValue field. |
success | boolean | The recorded operation is successful ( |
timestamp | integer | The timestamp of the record creation, in UTC milliseconds. |
user | string | The ID of the user who performed the recorded operation. |
userOrigin | string | The origin and the IP address of the user. |
userType | string | The type of the authentication of the user.
The AnyValue
A schema representing an arbitrary value type.
Response body JSON model
{"auditLogs": [{"category": "CONFIG","entityId": "MOBILE_RUM: MOBILE_APPLICATION-752C223D59734CD2","environmentId": "prod-env-13","eventType": "UPDATE","logId": "197425568800060000","patch": [{"oldValue": 20000,"op": "replace","path": "/refreshTimeIntervalMillis","value": 30000}],"success": true,"timestamp": 1974255688445,"user": "","userOrigin": "webui (","userType": "USER_NAME"}],"nextPageKey": "___a7acX3q0AAAAAACJidWlsdGluOnNlcnZpY2lUVEJCUzBaNVIxVjJOSGt6Y3oyLTcwMUZWRkxlclH__9rtpxferQ","pageSize": 5,"totalCount": 10}
In this example, the request fetches all logins (filter=eventType(LOGIN)
) from the audit log of the mySampleEnv environment for the last week (from=now-1w
The API token is passed in the Authorization header.
The response is truncated to the first three entries.
curl -X GET \'' \-H 'Authorization: Api-Token dt0c01.abc123.abcdefjhij1234567890'
Request URL
Response body
{"totalCount": 5820,"nextPageKey": "vu8y3hPZ3q0AAAAAAi_neQJ8qUAAAAFu0T-ECgAAAW71TAgKAAAD6AAQZXZlbnRUeXBlKExPR0lOKQC-7zLeE9nerQ","auditLogs": [{"logId": "157607341600050000","eventType": "LOGIN","category": "WEB_UI","entityId": "","environmentId": "yasmuoujsw","user": "Dynatrace support user #877988415","userType": "USER_NAME","userOrigin": "Forwarded:","timestamp": 1576073415531,"success": true},{"logId": "157607338800050000","eventType": "LOGIN","category": "WEB_UI","entityId": "","environmentId": "yasmuoujsw","user": "Dynatrace support user #490812376","userType": "USER_NAME","userOrigin": "Forwarded:","timestamp": 1576073388150,"success": true},{"logId": "157607338300060000","eventType": "LOGIN","category": "WEB_UI","entityId": "","environmentId": "umsaywsjuo","user": "Dynatrace support user #765684830","userType": "USER_NAME","userOrigin": "Forwarded:","timestamp": 1576073381543,"success": true}]}
Response code