Vulnerabilities API - GET remediation item entities
Lists the remediation tracking processes of a third-party vulnerability.
The request produces an application/json
GET | SaaS | https://{your-environment-id}{id}/remediationItems/{remediationItemId}/remediationProgressEntities |
Environment ActiveGateCluster ActiveGate | https://{your-activegate-domain}:9999/e/{your-environment-id}/api/v2/securityProblems/{id}/remediationItems/{remediationItemId}/remediationProgressEntities |
To execute this request, you need an access token with
To learn how to obtain and use it, see Tokens and authentication.
Parameter | Type | Description | In | Required |
id | string | The ID of the requested third-party security problem. | path | required |
remediationItemId | string | The ID of the remediation item. | path | required |
remediationProgressEntitySelector | string | Defines the scope of the query. Only remediation progress entities matching the specified criteria are included in the response. You can add one or more of the following criteria. Values are not case-sensitive and the
To set several criteria, separate them with a comma ( Specify the value of a criterion as a quoted string. The following special characters must be escaped with a tilde (
| query | optional |
Response codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | Remediation | Success. The response contains a list of remediation progress entities of a remediation item of a security problem. The number of entities returned is limited. |
4XX | Error | Client side error. |
5XX | Error | Server side error. |
Response body objects
The RemediationProgressEntityList
A list of remediation progress entities.
Element | Type | Description |
remediationProgressEntities | Remediation | A list of remediation progress entities. |
The RemediationProgressEntity
An affected or unaffected entity of a remediation for a security problem.
Element | Type | Description |
assessment | Remediation | Assessment of the remediation progress entity. |
firstAffectedTimestamp | integer | The timestamp when the remediation progress entity has first been related to the vulnerability. |
id | string | The ID of the remediation progress entity. |
name | string | The name of the remediation progress entity. |
state | string | The current state of the remediation progress entity.
vulnerableComponents | Remediation | A list of vulnerable components of the remediation item. A vulnerable component is what causes the security problem. |
The RemediationProgressEntityAssessment
Assessment of the remediation progress entity.
Element | Type | Description |
vulnerableFunctionRestartRequired | boolean | Whether a restart is required for the latest vulnerable function data. |
vulnerableFunctionUsage | string | The usage of vulnerable functions
vulnerableFunctionsInUse | Vulnerable | A list of vulnerable functions that are in use. |
vulnerableFunctionsNotAvailable | Vulnerable | A list of vulnerable functions that are not available. |
vulnerableFunctionsNotInUse | Vulnerable | A list of vulnerable functions that are not in use. |
The VulnerableFunction
Defines an vulnerable function.
Element | Type | Description |
className | string | The class name of the vulnerable function. |
filePath | string | The file path of the vulnerable function. |
functionName | string | The function name of the vulnerable function. |
The RemediationProgressVulnerableComponent
A vulnerable component with details for a remediation progress entity (PGI).
Element | Type | Description |
displayName | string | The display name of the vulnerable component. |
fileName | string | The file name of the vulnerable component. |
id | string | The Dynatrace entity ID of the vulnerable component. |
loadOrigins | string[] | The load origins of the vulnerable components. |
shortName | string | The short, component-only name of the vulnerable component. |
Response body JSON model
{"remediationProgressEntities": [{"assessment": {"vulnerableFunctionRestartRequired": true,"vulnerableFunctionUsage": "IN_USE","vulnerableFunctionsInUse": [{"className": "string","filePath": "string","functionName": "string"}],"vulnerableFunctionsNotAvailable": [{}],"vulnerableFunctionsNotInUse": [{}]},"firstAffectedTimestamp": 1,"id": "string","name": "string","state": "AFFECTED","vulnerableComponents": [{"displayName": "string","fileName": "string","id": "string","loadOrigins": ["string"],"shortName": "string"}]}]}