Web application configuration API - GET a web application
Gets parameters of the specified web application.
This API only supports web applications. For mobile and custom applications, see Mobile and custom app API.
The request produces an application/json
GET | SaaS | https://{your-environment-id}.live.dynatrace.com/api/config/v1/applications/web/{id} |
Environment ActiveGate | https://{your-activegate-domain}:9999/e/{your-environment-id}/api/config/v1/applications/web/{id} |
To execute this request, you need an access token with ReadConfig
To learn how to obtain and use it, see Tokens and authentication.
Parameter | Type | Description | In | Required |
id | string | The ID of the requested web application. | path | required |
Response codes
Code | Type | Description |
200 | Web | Success |
Response body objects
The WebApplicationConfig
Configuration of a web application.
Element | Type | Description |
conversionGoals | Conversion | A list of conversion goals of the application. |
costControlUserSessionPercentage | number | Analize X% of user sessions. |
customActionApdexSettings | Apdex | Defines the Apdex settings of an application. |
identifier | string | Dynatrace entity ID of the web application. |
loadActionApdexSettings | Apdex | Defines the Apdex settings of an application. |
loadActionKeyPerformanceMetric | string | The key performance metric of load actions.
metaDataCaptureSettings | Meta | Java script agent meta data capture settings. |
metadata | Configuration | Metadata useful for debugging |
monitoringSettings | Monitoring | Real user monitoring settings. |
name | string | The name of the web application, displayed in the UI. |
realUserMonitoringEnabled | boolean | Real user monitoring enabled/disabled. |
sessionReplayConfig | Session | Session replay settings |
type | string | The type of the web application.
urlInjectionPattern | string | Url injection pattern for manual web application. |
userActionAndSessionProperties | User | User action and session properties settings. Empty List means no change |
userActionNamingSettings | User | The settings of user action naming. |
userTags | User | User tags settings. |
waterfallSettings | Waterfall | These settings influence the monitoring data you receive for 3rd party, CDN, and 1st party resources. |
xhrActionApdexSettings | Apdex | Defines the Apdex settings of an application. |
xhrActionKeyPerformanceMetric | string | The key performance metric of XHR actions.
The ConversionGoal
A conversion goal of the application.
Element | Type | Description |
destinationDetails | Destination | Configuration of a destination-based conversion goal. |
id | string | The ID of conversion goal. Omit it while creating a new conversion goal. |
name | string | The name of the conversion goal. |
type | string | The type of the conversion goal.
userActionDetails | User | Configuration of a user action-based conversion goal. |
visitDurationDetails | Visit | Configuration of a visit duration-based conversion goal. |
visitNumActionDetails | Visit | Configuration of a number of user actions-based conversion goal. |
The DestinationDetails
Configuration of a destination-based conversion goal.
Element | Type | Description |
caseSensitive | boolean | The match is case-sensitive ( |
matchType | string | The operator of the match.
urlOrPath | string | The path to be reached to hit the conversion goal. |
The UserActionDetails
Configuration of a user action-based conversion goal.
Element | Type | Description |
actionType | string | Type of the action to which the rule applies.
caseSensitive | boolean | The match is case-sensitive ( |
matchEntity | string | The type of the entity to which the rule applies.
matchType | string | The operator of the match.
value | string | The value to be matched to hit the conversion goal. |
The VisitDurationDetails
Configuration of a visit duration-based conversion goal.
Element | Type | Description |
durationInMillis | integer | The duration of session to hit the conversion goal, in milliseconds. |
The VisitNumActionDetails
Configuration of a number of user actions-based conversion goal.
Element | Type | Description |
numUserActions | integer | The number of user actions to hit the conversion goal. |
The Apdex
Defines the Apdex settings of an application.
Element | Type | Description |
frustratingFallbackThreshold | number | Fallback threshold of an XHR action, defining a tolerable user experience, when the configured KPM is not available. |
frustratingThreshold | number | Maximal value of apdex, which is considered as tolerable user experience. |
toleratedFallbackThreshold | number | Fallback threshold of an XHR action, defining a satisfied user experience, when the configured KPM is not available. |
toleratedThreshold | number | Maximal value of apdex, which is considered as satisfied user experience. |
The MetaDataCapturing
Configuration to capture meta data with the Javascript agent. The captured metadata can be referenced by its uniqueId in UserTags, UserActionAndSessionProperties or UserActionNamingPlaceholder
Element | Type | Description |
capturingName | string | The name of the meta data to capture. |
name | string | Name for displaying the captured values in Dynatrace. |
publicMetadata | boolean | True if this metadata should be captured regardless of the privacy settings |
type | string | The type of the meta data to capture.
uniqueId | integer | The unique id of the meta data to capture. |
useLastValue | boolean | True if the last captured value should be used for this metadata. By default the first value will be used. |
The ConfigurationMetadata
Metadata useful for debugging
Element | Type | Description |
clusterVersion | string | Dynatrace version. |
configurationVersions | integer[] | A sorted list of the version numbers of the configuration. |
currentConfigurationVersions | string[] | A sorted list of version numbers of the configuration. |
The MonitoringSettings
Real user monitoring settings.
Element | Type | Description |
addCrossOriginAnonymousAttribute | boolean | Add the cross origin = anonymous attribute to capture JavaScript error messages and W3C resource timings. |
advancedJavaScriptTagSettings | Advanced | Advanced JavaScript tag settings. |
angularPackageName | string | The name of the angular package. |
browserRestrictionSettings | Web | Settings for restricting certain browser type, version, platform and, comparator. It also restricts the mode. |
cacheControlHeaderOptimizations | boolean | Optimize the value of cache control headers for use with Dynatrace real user monitoring enabled/disabled. |
contentCapture | Content | Settings for content capture. |
cookiePlacementDomain | string | Domain for cookie placement. |
correlationHeaderInclusionRegex | string | To enable RUM for XHR calls to AWS Lambda, define a regular expression matching these calls, Dynatrace can then automatically add a custom header (x-dtc) to each such request to the respective endpoints in AWS. Important: These endpoints must accept the x-dtc header, or the requests will fail. |
customConfigurationProperties | string | Additional JavaScript tag properties that are specific to your application. To do this, type key=value pairs separated using a (|) symbol. |
excludeXhrRegex | string | You can exclude some actions from becoming XHR actions. Put a regular expression, matching all the required URLs, here. If noting specified the feature is disabled. |
fetchRequests | boolean |
injectionMode | string | JavaScript injection mode.
instrumentedWebServer | boolean | Instrumented web or app server. |
ipAddressRestrictionSettings | Web | Settings for restricting certain ip addresses and for introducing subnet mask. It also restricts the mode. |
javaScriptFrameworkSupport | Java | Support of various JavaScript frameworks. |
javaScriptInjectionRules | Java | Java script injection rules. |
libraryFileLocation | string | The location of your application’s custom JavaScript library file. If nothing specified the root directory of your web server is used. Required for auto-injected applications, not supported by agentless applications. |
monitoringDataPath | string | The location to send monitoring data from the JavaScript tag. Specify either a relative or an absolute URL. If you use an absolute URL, data will be sent using CORS. Required for auto-injected applications, optional for agentless applications. |
sameSiteCookieAttribute | string | Same site cookie attribute
scriptTagCacheDurationInHours | integer | Time duration for the cache settings. |
secureCookieAttribute | boolean | Secure attribute usage for Dynatrace cookies enabled/disabled. |
serverRequestPathId | string | Path to identify the server’s request ID. |
useCors | boolean | Send beacon data via CORS. |
xmlHttpRequest | boolean |
The AdvancedJavaScriptTagSettings
Advanced JavaScript tag settings.
Element | Type | Description |
additionalEventHandlers | Additional | Additional event handlers and wrappers. |
eventWrapperSettings | Event | In addition to the event handlers, events called using |
globalEventCaptureSettings | Global | Global event capture settings. |
instrumentUnsupportedAjaxFrameworks | boolean | Instrumentation of unsupported Ajax frameworks enabled/disabled. |
maxActionNameLength | integer | Maximum character length for action names. Valid values range from 5 to 10000. |
maxErrorsToCapture | integer | Maximum number of errors to be captured per page. Valid values range from 0 to 50. |
proxyWrapperEnabled | boolean | Proxy wrapper enabled/disabled. |
specialCharactersToEscape | string | Additional special characters that are to be escaped using non-alphanumeric characters in HTML escape format. |
syncBeaconFirefox | boolean | Send the beacon signal as a synchronous XMLHttpRequest using Firefox enabled/disabled. |
syncBeaconInternetExplorer | boolean | Send the beacon signal as a synchronous XMLHttpRequest using Internet Explorer enabled/disabled. |
userActionNameAttribute | string | User action name attribute. |
The AdditionalEventHandlers
Additional event handlers and wrappers.
Element | Type | Description |
blurEventHandler | boolean | Blur event handler enabled/disabled. |
changeEventHandler | boolean | Change event handler enabled/disabled. |
clickEventHandler | boolean | Click event handler enabled/disabled. |
maxDomNodesToInstrument | integer | Max. number of DOM nodes to instrument. Valid values range from 0 to 100000. |
mouseupEventHandler | boolean | Mouseup event handler enabled/disabled. |
toStringMethod | boolean | toString method enabled/disabled. |
userMouseupEventForClicks | boolean | Use mouseup event for clicks enabled/disabled. |
The EventWrapperSettings
In addition to the event handlers, events called using addEventListener
or attachEvent
can be captured. Be careful with this option! Event wrappers can conflict with the JavaScript code on a web page.
Element | Type | Description |
blur | boolean | Blur enabled/disabled. |
change | boolean | Change enabled/disabled. |
click | boolean | Click enabled/disabled. |
mouseUp | boolean | MouseUp enabled/disabled. |
touchEnd | boolean | TouchEnd enabled/disabled. |
touchStart | boolean | TouchStart enabled/disabled. |
The GlobalEventCaptureSettings
Global event capture settings.
Element | Type | Description |
additionalEventCapturedAsUserInput | string | Additional events to be captured globally as user input. For example, DragStart or DragEnd. |
change | boolean | Change enabled/disabled. |
click | boolean | Click enabled/disabled. |
doubleClick | boolean | DoubleClick enabled/disabled. |
keyDown | boolean | KeyDown enabled/disabled. |
keyUp | boolean | KeyUp enabled/disabled. |
mouseDown | boolean | MouseDown enabled/disabled. |
mouseUp | boolean | MouseUp enabled/disabled. |
scroll | boolean | Scroll enabled/disabled. |
touchEnd | boolean | TouchEnd enabled/disabled. |
touchStart | boolean | TouchStart enabled/disabled. |
The WebApplicationConfigBrowserRestrictionSettings
Settings for restricting certain browser type, version, platform and, comparator. It also restricts the mode.
Element | Type | Description |
browserRestrictions | Web | A list of browser restrictions. |
mode | string | The mode of the list of browser restrictions.
The WebApplicationConfigBrowserRestriction
Browser exclusion rules for the browsers that are to be excluded.
Element | Type | Description |
browserType | string | The type of the browser that is used.
browserVersion | string | The version of the browser that is used. |
comparator | string | Compares different browsers together.
platform | string | The platform on which the browser is being used.
The ContentCapture
Settings for content capture.
Element | Type | Description |
javaScriptErrors | boolean | JavaScript errors monitoring enabled/disabled. |
resourceTimingSettings | Resource | Settings for resource timings capture. |
timeoutSettings | Timeout | Settings for timed action capture. |
visuallyComplete2Settings | Visually | Settings for VisuallyComplete2 |
visuallyCompleteAndSpeedIndex | boolean | Visually complete and Speed index support enabled/disabled. |
The ResourceTimingSettings
Settings for resource timings capture.
Element | Type | Description |
nonW3cResourceTimings | boolean | Timing for JavaScript files and images on non-W3C supported browsers enabled/disabled. |
nonW3cResourceTimingsInstrumentationDelay | integer | Instrumentation delay for monitoring resource and image resource impact in browsers that don't offer W3C resource timings. Valid values range from 0 to 9999. Only effective if nonW3cResourceTimings is enabled. |
resourceTimingCaptureType | string | Defines how detailed resource timings are captured. Only effective if w3cResourceTimings or nonW3cResourceTimings is enabled.
resourceTimingsDomainLimit | integer | Limits the number of domains for which W3C resource timings are captured. Only effective if resourceTimingCaptureType is |
w3cResourceTimings | boolean | W3C resource timings for third party/CDN enabled/disabled. |
The TimeoutSettings
Settings for timed action capture.
Element | Type | Description |
temporaryActionLimit | integer | Defines how deep temporary actions may cascade. 0 disables temporary actions completely. Recommended value if enabled is 3. |
temporaryActionTotalTimeout | integer | The total timeout of all cascaded timeouts that should still be able to create a temporary action |
timedActionSupport | boolean | Timed action support enabled/disabled. Enable to detect actions that trigger sending of XHRs via setTimout methods. |
The VisuallyComplete2Settings
Settings for VisuallyComplete2
Element | Type | Description |
excludeUrlRegex | string | A RegularExpression used to exclude images and iframes from being detected by the VC module. |
ignoredMutationsList | string | Query selector for mutation nodes to ignore in VC and SI calculation |
inactivityTimeout | integer | The time in ms the VC module waits for no mutations happening on the page after the load action. Defaults to 1000. |
mutationTimeout | integer | Determines the time in ms VC waits after an action closes to start calculation. Defaults to 50. |
threshold | integer | Minimum visible area in pixels of elements to be counted towards VC and SI. Defaults to 50. |
The WebApplicationConfigIpAddressRestrictionSettings
Settings for restricting certain ip addresses and for introducing subnet mask. It also restricts the mode.
Element | Type | Description |
ipAddressRestrictions | Ip | - |
mode | string | The mode of the list of ip address restrictions.
The IpAddressRange
The IP address or the IP address range to be mapped to the location.
Element | Type | Description |
address | string | The IP address to be mapped. For an IP address range, this is the from address. |
addressTo | string | The to address of the IP address range. |
subnetMask | integer | The subnet mask of the IP address range. |
The JavaScriptFrameworkSupport
Support of various JavaScript frameworks.
Element | Type | Description |
activeXObject | boolean | ActiveXObject detection support enabled/disabled. |
angular | boolean | AngularJS and Angular support enabled/disabled. |
dojo | boolean | Dojo support enabled/disabled. |
extJS | boolean | ExtJS, Sencha Touch support enabled/disabled. |
icefaces | boolean | ICEfaces support enabled/disabled. |
jQuery | boolean | jQuery, Backbone.js support enabled/disabled. |
mooTools | boolean | MooTools support enabled/disabled. |
prototype | boolean | Prototype support enabled/disabled. |
The JavaScriptInjectionRules
Rules for javascript injection
Element | Type | Description |
enabled | boolean | The enable or disable rule of the java script injection. |
htmlPattern | string | The html pattern of the java script injection. |
rule | string | The url rule of the java script injection.
target | string | The target against which the rule of the java script injection should be matched.
urlOperator | string | The url operator of the java script injection.
urlPattern | string | The url pattern of the java script injection. |
The SessionReplaySetting
Session replay settings
Element | Type | Description |
costControlPercentage | integer | Session replay sampling rating in percentage. |
cssResourceCapturingExclusionRules | string[] | A list of URLs to be excluded from CSS resource capturing. |
enableCssResourceCapturing | boolean | Capture ( |
enabled | boolean | SessionReplay Enabled. |
The UserActionAndSessionProperties
Defines userAction and session custom defined properties settings of an application.
Element | Type | Description |
aggregation | string | The aggregation type of the property. It defines how multiple values of the property are aggregated.
cleanupRule | string | The cleanup rule of the property. Defines how to extract the data you need from a string value. Specify the regular expression for the data you need there. |
displayName | string | The display name of the property. |
ignoreCase | boolean | If true, the value of this property will always be stored in lower case. Defaults to false. |
key | string | Key of the property |
longStringLength | integer | If the type is LONG_STRING, the max length for this property. Must be a multiple of 100. Defaults to 200. |
metadataId | integer | A reference to the uniqueId of a MetadataCapturingConfig.Must be set if "origin" is of type META_DATA. |
origin | string | The origin of the property
serverSideRequestAttribute | string | The ID of the request attribute. Only applicable when the origin is set to |
storeAsSessionProperty | boolean | If |
storeAsUserActionProperty | boolean | If |
type | string | The data type of the property.
uniqueId | integer | Unique id among all userTags and properties of this application |
The UserActionNamingSettings
The settings of user action naming.
Element | Type | Description |
customActionNamingRules | User | User action naming rules for custom actions. |
ignoreCase | boolean | Case insensitive naming. |
loadActionNamingRules | User | User action naming rules for loading actions. |
placeholders | User | User action placeholders. |
queryParameterCleanups | string[] | List of parameters that should be removed from the query before using the query in the user action name. |
splitUserActionsByDomain | boolean | Deactivate this setting if different domains should not result in separate user actions. |
useFirstDetectedLoadAction | boolean | First load action found under an XHR action should be used when true. Else the deepest one under the xhr action is used |
xhrActionNamingRules | User | User action naming rules for xhr actions. |
The UserActionNamingRule
The settings of naming rule.
Element | Type | Description |
conditions | User | Defines the conditions when the naming rule should apply. |
template | string | Naming pattern. Use Curly brackets |
useOrConditions | boolean | If set to |
The UserActionNamingRuleCondition
The settings of conditions for user action naming.
Element | Type | Description |
operand1 | string | Must be a defined placeholder wrapped in curly braces |
operand2 | string | Must be null if operator is "IS_EMPTY", a regex if operator is "MATCHES_REGULAR_ERPRESSION". In all other cases the value can be a freetext or a placeholder wrapped in curly braces |
operator | string | The operator of the condition
The UserActionNamingPlaceholder
The placeholder settings.
Element | Type | Description |
input | string | Input.
metadataId | integer | A reference to the uniqueId of a MetadataCapturingConfig. Must be set if "Input" is of type METADATA. |
name | string | Placeholder name. |
processingPart | string | Part.
processingSteps | User | Processing actions. |
useGuessedElementIdentifier | boolean | Use the element identifier that was selected by Dynatrace. |
The UserActionNamingPlaceholderProcessingStep
The processing step settings.
Element | Type | Description |
fallbackToInput | boolean | If set to true: Returns the input if patternBefore or patternAfter cannot be found and the type is Returns the input if regularExpression doesn't match and type is Otherwise null is returned. |
patternAfter | string | The pattern after the required value. It will be removed. |
patternAfterSearchType | string | The required occurrence of patternAfter.
patternBefore | string | The pattern before the required value. It will be removed. |
patternBeforeSearchType | string | The required occurrence of patternBefore.
patternToReplace | string | The pattern to be replaced. Only applicable if the type is |
regularExpression | string | A regular expression for the string to be extracted or replaced. Only applicable if the type is |
replacement | string | Replacement for the original value. |
type | string | An action to be taken by the processing:
The UserTag
Defines UserTags settings of an application.
Element | Type | Description |
cleanupRule | string | Cleanup rule expression of the userTag |
ignoreCase | boolean | If true, the value of this tag will always be stored in lower case. Defaults to false. |
metadataId | integer | A reference to the uniqueId of a MetadataCapturingConfig. Must be set if the UserTag is based on metadata captured by the Javascript agent (e.g. a Javascript variable, CSS selector, etc.) |
serverSideRequestAttribute | string | Serverside request attribute id of the userTag. Must be set if the UserTag is based on a serverside request attribute. |
uniqueId | integer | uniqueId, unique among all userTags and properties of this application |
The WaterfallSettings
These settings influence the monitoring data you receive for 3rd party, CDN, and 1st party resources.
Element | Type | Description |
resourceBrowserCachingThreshold | integer | Warn about resources with a lower browser cache rate above X%. |
resourcesThreshold | integer | Warn about resources larger than X bytes. |
slowCdnResourcesThreshold | integer | Warn about slow CDN resources with a response time above X ms. |
slowFirstPartyResourcesThreshold | integer | Warn about slow 1st party resources with a response time above X ms. |
slowThirdPartyResourcesThreshold | integer | Warn about slow 3rd party resources with a response time above X ms. |
speedIndexVisuallyCompleteRatioThreshold | integer | Warn if Speed index exceeds X % of Visually complete. |
uncompressedResourcesThreshold | integer | Warn about uncompressed resources larger than X bytes. |
Response body JSON model
{"conversionGoals": [{"destinationDetails": {"caseSensitive": false,"matchType": "Begins","urlOrPath": "url or path"},"name": "conversionGoalName","type": "UserAction","userActionDetails": {"actionType": "Load","caseSensitive": true,"matchEntity": "ActionName","matchType": "Ends","value": "value to match"},"visitDurationDetails": {"durationInMillis": 1},"visitNumActionDetails": {"numUserActions": 2}}],"costControlUserSessionPercentage": 100,"customActionApdexSettings": {"frustratingFallbackThreshold": 12000,"frustratingThreshold": 12000,"toleratedFallbackThreshold": 3000,"toleratedThreshold": 3000},"loadActionApdexSettings": {"frustratingFallbackThreshold": 12000,"frustratingThreshold": 12000,"toleratedFallbackThreshold": 3000,"toleratedThreshold": 3000},"loadActionKeyPerformanceMetric": "VISUALLY_COMPLETE","metaDataCaptureSettings": [{"capturingName": "variableName","name": "display name","type": "JAVA_SCRIPT_VARIABLE"}],"monitoringSettings": {"advancedJavaScriptTagSettings": {"additionalEventHandlers": {"blurEventHandler": false,"changeEventHandler": false,"clickEventHandler": false,"maxDomNodesToInstrument": 5000,"mouseupEventHandler": false,"toStringMethod": false,"userMouseupEventForClicks": false},"eventWrapperSettings": {"blur": false,"change": false,"click": false,"mouseUp": false,"touchEnd": false,"touchStart": false},"globalEventCaptureSettings": {"additionalEventCapturedAsUserInput": "","click": true,"doubleClick": true,"keyDown": true,"keyUp": true,"mouseDown": true,"mouseUp": true,"scroll": true},"instrumentUnsupportedAjaxFrameworks": false,"maxActionNameLength": 100,"maxErrorsToCapture": 10,"specialCharactersToEscape": "","syncBeaconFirefox": false,"syncBeaconInternetExplorer": false},"browserRestrictionSettings": {"browserRestrictions": [{"browserType": "INTERNET_EXPLORER","browserVersion": "0","comparator": "EQUALS","platform": "ALL"}],"mode": "EXCLUDE"},"cacheControlHeaderOptimizations": true,"contentCapture": {"javaScriptErrors": true,"resourceTimingSettings": {"nonW3cResourceTimings": false,"nonW3cResourceTimingsInstrumentationDelay": 50,"w3cResourceTimings": true},"timeoutSettings": {"temporaryActionLimit": 0,"temporaryActionTotalTimeout": 100,"timedActionSupport": false},"visuallyCompleteAndSpeedIndex": true},"cookiePlacementDomain": "","correlationHeaderInclusionRegex": "","customConfigurationProperties": "","excludeXhrRegex": "","fetchRequests": true,"injectionMode": "JAVASCRIPT_TAG","ipAddressRestrictionSettings": {"ipAddressRestrictions": [{"address": "","subnetMask": 3},{"address": "","addressTo": ""}],"mode": "EXCLUDE"},"javaScriptFrameworkSupport": {"activeXObject": false,"angular": true,"dojo": false,"extJS": false,"icefaces": false,"jQuery": true,"mooTools": false,"prototype": true},"javaScriptInjectionRules": [{"enabled": true,"htmlPattern": "</title>","rule": "AFTER_SPECIFIC_HTML","urlOperator": "CONTAINS","urlPattern": "/lorem/ipsum.jsp"}],"libraryFileLocation": "","monitoringDataPath": "","secureCookieAttribute": false,"serverRequestPathId": "","xmlHttpRequest": true},"name": "application name","realUserMonitoringEnabled": true,"sessionReplayConfig": {"costControlPercentage": 100,"cssResourceCapturingExclusionRules": ["rule"],"enableCssResourceCapturing": true,"enabled": true},"type": "AUTO_INJECTED","userActionNamingSettings": {"ignoreCase": true,"loadActionNamingRules": [{"conditions": [{"operand1": "{myPlaceholder}","operand2": "foo","operator": "CONTAINS"}],"template": "Loading of {myPlaceholder}"}],"placeholders": [{"input": "PAGE_URL","name": "myPlaceholder","processingPart": "ALL","processingSteps": [{"patternAfter": ".*a","patternAfterSearchType": "LAST","patternBefore": ".*b","patternBeforeSearchType": "FIRST","replacement": "value","type": "SUBSTRING"}],"useGuessedElementIdentifier": false}],"splitUserActionsByDomain": true,"xhrActionNamingRules": [{"conditions": [{"operand1": "{myPlaceholder}","operand2": "foo","operator": "CONTAINS"}],"template": "Loading of {myPlaceholder}"}]},"waterfallSettings": {"resourceBrowserCachingThreshold": 50,"resourcesThreshold": 100000,"slowCdnResourcesThreshold": 200000,"slowFirstPartyResourcesThreshold": 200000,"slowThirdPartyResourcesThreshold": 200000,"speedIndexVisuallyCompleteRatioThreshold": 50,"uncompressedResourcesThreshold": 860},"xhrActionApdexSettings": {"frustratingFallbackThreshold": 12000,"frustratingThreshold": 10000,"toleratedFallbackThreshold": 3000,"toleratedThreshold": 2500},"xhrActionKeyPerformanceMetric": "ACTION_DURATION"}