Latest Dynatrace
Use a meter bar to visualize a single numerical value as a progress bar.
The meter bar visualization above is based on the following query, which calculates CPU
as the average host CPU usage. In the Data mapping settings, Meter value is then set as CPU
timeseries avg(| fieldsAdd CPU = arrayAvg(`avg(`)| fieldsKeep CPU
The Visual tab settings are as follows:
CPU Usage
and (for the custom color) d56b1a
and (for the custom color) 8a0012
Percent (%)
The meter bar visualization above is based on the following query, which calculates pctActive
as the percentage of total problems that are open. In the Data mapping settings, Meter value is then set as pctActive
fetch dt.davis.problems| summarize count = count(), by:{event.status}| summarize { active=toDouble(takeAny(if(event.status=="ACTIVE", count))), closed=toDouble(takeAny(if(event.status=="CLOSED", count)))}| fieldsAdd total = active + closed| fieldsAdd pctActive = (active / total) * 100| fieldsKeep pctActive
The Visual tab settings are as follows:
Percentage of Open Problems
and (for the custom color) c21930
Percent (%)
Use the title field at the top of the options panel (initially Untitled tile
or Untitled section
) to add a title to your dashboard tile or notebook section.
and Emoji
in your dashboard.Current $Emoji status is $Status
to Good
to 🌍
.The title will be displayed as Current 🌍 status is Good
If you aren't sure that you chose the right visualization, use the visualization selector to try different visualizations.
Set Meter value to the numeric value you want to represent as a meter bar.
To display a string above the bar, turn on Show label and enter the string.
To display an icon above the bar, turn on Show icon and select an icon from the list. When Show label and Show icon are both selected, the icon is displayed before the label.
Determines where the meter bar starts on the left.
Determines where the meter bar ends on the right.
, the right end of the meter = 100
, the right end of the meter is the meter valueTo set the basic color of the bar, select the desired color from the Bar color menu (or open the Bar color menu and enter the hex code for the color).
You can add one or more Custom colors to define the colors to display when the meter reaches certain values.
For each custom color, enter the meter value and set the corresponding color to use when the meter value reaches that value. A vertical line is displayed on the bar for each custom color value.
Suppose you want your meter to remain green normally, but turn yellow if it reaches 80
, and turn red if it reaches 90
and the desired shade of yellow selected. If the meter value reaches 80
, the bar will turn yellow.90
and the desired shade of red selected. If the meter value reaches 90
, the bar will turn red.To override the default units and formats in a dashboard or notebook visualization
Select to edit the visualization tile.
Select the Visual tab.
Select Units and formats.
Select Override.
Select Override
In the dropdown list, select the item for which you want to add a unit override.
This is a numeric column of the underlying DQL result, so it varies according to the query. For example:
fetch events
query returns events. The dropdown list here lets you select a numeric field (such as transfer_size
) from the results.timeseries avg(
query returns a single timeseries for avg(
. That timeseries is then the only selectable option in the list.Define the override.
if it was not included in the DQL result, or its automatically defined by the unit passed from the DQL result. This field doesn't lead to any conversion.Bytes
, Displayed unit now offers a suitable list of byte conversions such as Kilobyte
and Megabyte
. Unlike the Default unit, the Displayed unit is always a numeric conversion.Turn on Abbreviate large numbers if you want to display large figures in abbreviated form. For example, 1053
becomes 1.1K
To reset to defaults (discard override settings for the selected item), select the trash can next to the item.
This example uses a line chart, but the options apply to other visualizations.
In Dashboards, create a dashboard.
Select and, in the Snippets section of the menu, select Metrics > Chart average CPU across all hosts.
In the section edit panel, select the Visual tab and select Line.
Select Units and formats.
Select Override.
In the dropdown list, select the metric for which you want to add an override. There's only one metric to select in this example.
Define the override for the displayed metric. You can observe your changes in the Y-axis of the chart.
Default unit displays Percent (%)
, which is the default unit for the selected metric. Try a different setting, such as One
to instead display the result as a fraction of 1.
Displayed unit displays Auto
. You can change it to a different unit, such as One
to instead display the result as a fraction of 1.
Only linear and static conversions are supported. For example, you cannot convert Degree Celsius(°C)
into Degree Fahrenheit(°F)
, or convert Usd(US$)
into Eur(€)
Decimals displays the default number of decimal points (degree of precision) to display. To see it in action, change the Decimals selection and observe the change in the visualization.
For example, change this:
To this:
Suffix displays the optional suffix to display after the unit. To see it in action, enter a string and observe the change in the visualization.
To reset to defaults (discard override settings for the selected metric), select the trash can next to the metric.